Vision for Ministry

We are determined to be a vibrant, healthy, bible-based, Holy Spirit filled transformational fellowship; where the love of God flows, and faith works to bring hope and holistic healing to individuals, families and communities.

Philosophy of Ministry

We walk by faith and not by the limitation of sight. Encouraging and inviting every person to come, connect, and be transformed by the power of God.  Learning to love God first and foremost (vertical connection) and love our neighbor (horizontal living) with the same intensity as we love ourselves (2 Cor. 5:7; Mk. 12:28-31; Mt. 5:43-48).

Core Values

Core values are the guiding principles that dictate behaviors and actions of the church. We recognize that every fellowship, assembly or church has its own unique way of expressing its reason for being and living out its beliefs. At PFC we hold to Seven Core Values that define how we live out our faith and guide us as a fellowship:

  1. God is the main thing and not us.

  2. Souls are important to God and therefore people are a priority.

  3. The word of God is invaluable and right application brings progressive transformation in daily living, integrity, holiness and excellence.

  4. Living a Holy Spirit filled life of prayer and fasting is a high priority because it releases the power of God to accomplish His purposes.

  5. Ministry inspired by the Holy Spirit involves creativity, faith, fellowship, and godly innovation.

  6. God gives, and we value the use of, natural talents and gifts of the spirit in alignment with the word of God.

  7. We sow time, talent and treasure out of love as a part of our worship and demonstrate such by striving to give at least 10% of each into the kingdom of God.

Organizational Goals
  1. To provide a Pentecostal worship experience that invites the Holy Spirit to ignite, energize, heal, deliver, and transform lives across generations.

  2. To provide information, education, and support that lends itself to responsible discipleship and stewardship.

  3. To increase believers' understanding of the word of God and hunger for the things of God.

  4. To equip believers for intentional and effective witnessing for Christ in their everyday lives.